mainstream is partnering with clinical and research leads and established community organisations in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria, to locate research capacity within frontline service settings. This capacity has been extended by creating post-doctoral research positions embedded within key community organisations in each state to establish research and evaluation practices around services created to fill clinical gaps, such as peer mentoring programs, carer support, and provision of care while waiting for formal health services. These translational researchers are linked to our wider network of clinical, research, epidemiological and health economic leads to collaborate on research and evaluation design and implementation, an iterative process which in turn is informing health system researchers as they analyse and interpret health system data. This will establish the infrastructure for the growth of the research workforce nationally and help close the translation gap by co-locating clinical and research expertise.
Translation hub partner organisations:
New South Wales – InsideOut Institute for Eating Disorders (IOI; Partnership between University of Sydney and Sydney Local Health District)
Victoria – Eating Disorders Victoria (EDV) & Centre of Excellence in Eating Disorders (CEED)
Queensland – Queensland Eating Disorder Service (QuEDS), Child and Youth Mental Health Services Eating Disorder Program (CYMHS-EDP), Eating Disorders Queensland (EDQ), and QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute