MD Candidate: Yi Jung Cho
Working Title: A scoping review of emergency department protocols for eating disorders within the Australian healthcare system
Supervisor: Dr Jane Miskovic-Wheatley, Dr Sabina Vatter
MD Candidate: Craig Wittmer
Working Title: What psychosocial support interventions exist for carers of a young person with an eating disorder?
Supervisor: Dr Sumedha Verma
MD Candidate: Angie Schroder
Working Title: Patient reported barriers to effective assessment and treatment of eating disorders in transgender and gender diverse individuals: A Systematic Review
Supervisor: Dr. Phillip Aouad
MD Candidate: Christopher Lai
Working Title: What is the prevalence of co-occurring traumatic experiences and disordered eating in LGBTQIA+ populations? A Systematic Review
Supervisor: Dr. Phillip Aouad
Sun, V., Soh, N., Touyz, S., Maguire, S., & Aouad, P. (2023). Asian students in the anglosphere - unravelling the unique familial pressures contributing to eating pathology: a systematic review. Journal of Eating Disorders, 11(1), 4. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40337-023-00733-y