The mainstream team, in collaboration with Sydney Health Economics Collaborative, is developing health system and economic models to inform decision making about effective, cost-effective, and equitable access to healthcare for this population. This involves evaluating costs, outcomes and cost-effectiveness of evidence based versus non-evidence-based pathways to care; assessing the effects of health policy changes at state and national levels on individuals with eating disorders accessing care; and evaluating the pattern of and factors driving changing inequalities in care access over time.
Aouad P, Ahmed MU, Nassar N, Miskovic-Wheatley J, Touyz S, Maguire S, Cunich M. Appraisal of the costs, health effects, and cost-effectiveness of screening, prevention, treatment and policy-indicated evidence-based interventions for eating disorders: a systematic review protocol. Journal of Eating Disorders, 2023 May 24;11(1):83.
Ahmed M, Islam MD, Aouad P, Miskovic-Wheatley J, Touyz S, Maguire S and Cunich M. Economic costs of eating disorders: Findings from a systematic review, Parliamentary Friends of Mental Health Event, New South Wales Parliament House, May 2024 (Presenter: Moin Ahmed)
Ahmed M, Islam MD, Aouad P, Miskovic-Wheatley J, Touyz S, Maguire S and Cunich M. Economic costs of eating disorders: a systematic review and critique of methods, Emerging Health Policy & Economics Research Conference, Sydney, February 2024 (Presenter: Moin Ahmed)
Ahmed M, Maguire S, Brahm F, Nassar N, Kim M, Miskovic-Wheatley J, Maloney D, and Cunich M. Socioeconomic inequity in the utilisation of healthcare among people with eating disorders in Australia: trend and decomposition analyses, 44th Australian Health Economics Society Conference, Adelaide, September 2023 (Presenter: Moin Ahmed)
Ahmed M, Aouad P, Miskovic-Wheatley J, Nassar N, Touyz S, Maguire S and Cunich M. Appraisal of the costs, health effects, and cost-effectiveness of screening, prevention, treatment and policy-indicated evidence-based interventions for eating disorders: a systematic review, 9th Charles Perkins Centre (University of Sydney) Early and Mid-Career Researchers Symposium, Sydney, September 2023 (Presenter: Michelle Cunich)
Ahmed M, Maguire S, Brahm F, Nassar N, Kim M, Miskovic-Wheatley J, Maloney D, and Cunich M. Socioeconomic inequity in the utilisation of hospital-related care among people with eating disorders in Australia: trend and decomposition analyses, Biology Domain & Boden Initiative Seminar, Sydney, June 2023 (Presenter: Michelle Cunich and Moin Ahmed)